How to Get Eight Bands in IELTS Speaking?


Are you planning to take the IELTS exam soon and aiming for an 8-band score? Well, look no further because we've got some tips that can help you achieve your goal. Getting a high band score in IELTS requires not only good English skills but also proper test-taking strategies. In this blog post, Globor will share with you some crucial tips on how to prepare for and approach the test to increase your chances of getting an excellent result. So, let's dive right in!

Always Adopt a Natural Accent

When taking the IELTS, one of the most crucial things to remember is to speak with a natural accent. This means that you shouldn't make an effort to mimic another speaker or use jargon that isn't often associated with the English language. When taking the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), it is essential to speak English with a natural accent that demonstrates your proficiency without compromising your ability to be understood. Good listening skills, frequent communication, and competent counsel could all help you do this.

Never Memorize Answers

Many test candidates resort to rote memorization of answers, but this is not the most efficient strategy for succeeding on the IELTS. The issue with learning from memory is that it does not promote adaptation or flexibility when dealing with unexpected issues or circumstances. Rather than trying to memorize answers, you should work on enhancing your language abilities and being more fluent in your expression. Among these include acquiring new words, perfecting your grammar, and mastering efficient sentence construction.

Feel Free to Clarify Questions

When taking the IELTS exam, it's essential to understand that you may come across questions that might not be clear or seem confusing. In such cases, don't hesitate to ask for clarification from the examiner. Clarifying a question can help you better understand what is being asked of you and improve your chances of answering correctly. Moreover, asking for clarification shows confidence in your abilities and helps build rapport with the examiner. It also demonstrates that you have good communication skills, which are essential in academic and professional settings. Remember, there is no penalty for asking for clarification during the IELTS test.

Give Yourself Time to Think

Giving well-reasoned responses is an important skill for passing the IELTS. Even though it seems obvious, it's not uncommon to answer too quickly without giving oneself a chance to fully process the question or situation. If you don't plan out your response, it may ramble or even stray from the question's intended topic. Give yourself plenty of time to think about your response before diving in to avoid these problems. Don't panic; take a big breath, and realize that whoever is questioning you wants you to succeed as much as you do.

Practice Answering Sample Questions

Sample questions are one of the best ways to be ready for the IELTS test. By doing so, you can get a feel for the format of the questions and the responses that will be expected of you. Be sure to use the official sample materials available on the IELTS website or other reliable sources when preparing for the test. Many study abroad consultants will help students to prepare for IELTS and also they give information about the exam rules and regulations to students. The format and level of difficulty of these resources are meant to closely mimic that of the actual exam. Be sure to keep track of time as you work through these practice questions. The IELTS test is timed; therefore, learning to manage your time effectively is essential.

Extend Your Answers

Extending your responses is one of the most important aspects that can help you earn an eight-band score on the IELTS. This necessitates offering in-depth explanations rather than quick answers. Extending your answer demonstrates to the examiner that you have a firm grasp of the material and can engage in a thorough discussion of it. Make sure the reader can see what you're talking about by using vivid adjectives and describing words.


Although getting an IELTS band 8 takes hard work and preparation, it is possible to do so. You should practice sounding natural, not reading off prepared replies, and pausing to consider your response. If you need clarification or want to elaborate on your answers, please do so. You can achieve your goals quickly if you remember these suggestions. It's important to remember that no two people use the same method to master a new tongue. If, at first, you don't succeed, try, try again until you find the method that gives you the best results. In your quest to become fluent in English, remember to keep your spirits up and your confidence high.

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