2nd Floor, Blue Tower Building, Power House Rd, Chenthitta, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 695036
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Empire Overseas Education is a widely recognized study abroad consultancy in Trivandrum with a successful track record. Empire Overseas Education is one of the best study abroad consultancy in India. The services provided by Empire Overseas Education include Course finder, Entrance exam training, Visa counselling, and more.
Empire Overseas Education is a leading digital marketing company in Trivandrum with an expert of professionals in its team. If one is looking for a good career through studying in a University abroad, Empire is definitely an open door for one. Empire Overseas in Trivandrum is one of the best players in the category of Educational Advisors closely working with several organizations and reputed international Universities in different countries.
Empire is the first Consultant in India who introduced the LATVIA Study and settle program, Make Latvia your Second Home. Empire maintains a compatible and excellent record over 8 years in our service both here and in its partner countries. The company has a good set of counselors who are professionally trained and are dedicated to assisting with career counseling, country selection, university selection, visa application, pre-departure briefing, and traveling arrangements.
So, here the company is to help students achieve their aspirations by assessing their requirements and mapping their skills and objectives with the set of the curriculum they would like to take forward. Dreams come true with the right guidance and advice from experts. If you dream of a successful career in a country of your choice, get the best advice on the top universities, courses, admissions, interviews, scholarships, and post-study careers from our experienced consultants.
The company aims to understand its clients’ aspirations to the best of its abilities so as to ensure that the company presents the right path before its clients and makes it easier for you to make a decision. The company is here to guide its clients through all the steps, which include; picking the right course, country, and university with its clients and helping them through the entire application and visa process. Each student is just as important to the company and the company believes that it is attentive service and thorough research that sets the company apart.
Expert counseling capacity and capability to provide solutions to every query asked by the students and their association with universities and institutes worldwide. The best thing about Empire Overseas Education is its expert counseling and guidance for the selection of courses across Universities the world over.
The services offered by the company include Course finder, Entrance exam training, Visa counseling, Career Counselling, SOP services, and more.